Video: How Enterprise Templates Keep Websites Consistent

Video transcript:

Give your web audience a consistent brand experience by creating Enterprise templates. Now you can set up templates for your company’s teams and partners to use for site building, giving you control over their appearance and flow.

To get started, simply customize a Squarespace template with your desired branding elements like logos, fonts, and color palettes. Then click Convert to an Organization Template to make it available to all users in your company. Only enterprise admins can convert new templates.

Your colleagues can find them by clicking Create Website on their dashboard and then selecting Start with Organization Templates. This lets them access all currently active and approved templates. Admins can make changes to active templates or remove them if no longer needed.

Eliminate frustration at conflicting website experiences across your brand. Make sure visitors have the same quality encounters with your company by using Squarespace and creating enterprise templates.

Related resources:

Is Squarespace Enterprise Right for My Brand?

Using Squarespace Blueprint in Corporate Website Design

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