

The Best Ads From Super Bowl LI

The Super Bowl is so much more than a game of football, which is good news to those of us who may or may not exactly be experts on the subject of sports (hypothetically speaking, of course). While some of us watched to cheer on our fave team, others might have merely tuned in for the Lady Gaga halftime show (or rumored Beyonce appearance!), and others still just hoped to get a few good snacks out of the occasion. But we can all come together in agreement that the televised game is practically the only time we get psyched up to watch commercials, and this year’s crop proved no exception. These coveted time slots were filled by brands who took the opportunity to touch upon current topics (the wage gap, immigration and Deflategate among them), whether it be to have us cracking up or crying into our bowl of hot wings. Here are some of the best ads that ran during this year’s game.



An angry John Malkovich never gets old, which is why we love this spot in which the actor gets all Malkovich-y about someone stealing his domain name.